Get a safer sex pack

The Rainbow Project is funded to provide LGBTQIA+ individuals with access to free Safer Sex Packs in Northern Ireland. You can receive a pack by simply filling out the form attached below and you will receive your pack within 2 weeks.

Please fill in this form to receive your safer sex pack.


What is in a Safer Sex Pack?

  • 10 sachets of unflavoured lube
  • 20 condoms of your preferred size
  • Information on accessing sexual health services (incl. Rainbow Project’s rapid HIV & syphilis testing)

I haven’t received my safer sex pack. Why?

Non LGBTQIA+ Individuals

Should you identify as cisgender (i.e. not transgender) and heterosexual male or female then you will not be provided with a safer sex pack. This service is for LGBTQIA+ individuals only.  

Requesting on behalf of others

Please do not request a safer sex pack for any individual other than yourself. If you are requesting for you and your partner either place both names in the request box or your own. If you identify as cisgender and non-LGBTQIA+ but your partner identifies as LGBTQIA+ or has a trans history then please request using their details and not your own.

Suspicious emails/addresses

On occasion we receive requests from email addresses which are misspelled or are clearly false. In these cases we will email this address. If we receive a bounce back from this address all details from the request will be blacklisted. Similarly if you request a pack and another house in the same area also requests a pack you may be blacklisted as suspicious. On rare occasions we receive requests to a business or work address. We make a point of attempting contact with individuals who request to these addresses to ensure they are not false.

Living outside of Northern Ireland

Unfortunately we cannot provide LGBTQIA+ people living outside of Northern Ireland with safer sex materials.

I want to find out more about where to get condoms if I don’t identify as LGBTQIA+

You can get free condoms from:

Please fill in this form to receive your safer sex pack.

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