Cancer Champions


Cancer Champions is a Macmillan project running in 10 other areas across the UK, working with a variety of seldom heard communities. In August 2024, The Rainbow Project will be launching our Cancer Champions team, offering tailored services to empower and support LGBTQIA+ people impacted by cancer in Northern Ireland.

Our team of Macmillan professionals and volunteers will provide a vital link between LGBTQIA+ communities and cancer support. This will be the first dedicated LGBTQIA+ cancer support service across Northern Ireland for people affected by cancer.

We provide services for:

  • LGBTQIA+ people living with a cancer diagnosis.
  • LGBTQIA+ people supporting a close friend or family member living with cancer.
  • LGBTQIA+ people unsure how to access screening services for cancer.
  • Professionals working in health or social care to support individuals living with cancer.


Early prevention and screenings


Research has shown that LGBTQIA+  individuals are less likely than non-LGBTQIA+ individuals to present for cancer screenings.

This is due to multiple factors, e.g. trans and non-binary individuals being excluded from relevant screening letters due to changing gender with their GP, lack of knowledge around LGBTQIA+ specific cancer screening guidelines, and myths around who can access screenings.

Read the PHA Cancer Screening Booklet for Trans and Non-Binary People here.  



Gay and Bisexual men and other men who have sex with men, including trans men, are able to access the HPV vaccine for free at their local GUM or HIV clinic.

Getting the HPV vaccination is a very effective way to reduce your risk of
developing HPV-associated cancer in the future.

To read more about it, see the PHA booklet.



Contact for more information and ask for Cancer Champions.

For professionals, see our training page, or contact to discuss tailored sessions.

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