Month: October 2017

We Exist (Bi+ Ireland)

Gavin Davis, Belfast coordinator of Bi+ Ireland, discussing what it’s like for him being bisexual in Northern Ireland as part of Bi+ Ireland’s “We Exist” series which aims to raise visibility of bisexuality in the Republic and Northern Ireland.

Anti LGB&T Hate Crimes in Northern Ireland

This week is Hate Crime Awareness week, a time devoted to increasing the awareness of issues faced by targeted minorities within the UK; to think about those who are targeted and abused for being who they are or for aspects of their identity including their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.


A story was published yesterday (11 October) detailing serious physical assaults against a 12 year old boy in a local school. It was reported in numerous outlets under the headline of kids being removed from school by father due to ìBULLYINGî.