A call for Sex Workers to engage with The Rainbow Project research

The Rainbow Project is pro-Sex Worker rights and pro- decriminalisation and we want to support sex workers within our community in Northern Ireland.

Our new questionnaire is part of TRP’s plan to expand our services, provide non-judgemental support for sex workers and help reduce violence, stigma and discrimination. We want to hear about your experiences – of work, housing, health and more – and what we can do to support you.

This information will be used to strengthen the services we offer. Sex workers – current, former, indoor, outdoor, online, all genders – tell us what you think! Rights not rescue!  

To complete the survey, click on this link –  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/sexworkersNI

The survey takes around 30 minutes to complete and a small token can be given for your participation.  All information given is completely confidential and will only be used to help us evidence our report. 

For more information or for support filling in the questionnaire contact Eli on eli@rainbow-project.org or send us a DM our Twitter page @EngagementTRP 

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